The UK Government has started collecting a new, interesting data set. The longitudinal education outcomes (LEO) data matches tax and benefits data to university graduation data, to see which groups of students earn the most (and least) after graduating. The dataset is publicly available here.
I was playing with the 2017 LOE data, looking at business school students. I was surprised by how dramatic the Oxbridge-skew is in earnings, especially after 5 years.
You can see that while the median income across all business graduates is about £28,000. It is £160,000 for Oxford grads in business.
UCL, where I work, has the 10th highest median earnings. It is impressive how well Bath undergrads do. Maybe it's the placement year many of them take? But still interesting if that carries-over to earnings years later.
[The dataset is noisy and flawed in various ways. So don't read into this graph too definitatively].